Believe in Bigger – For You and For Your Business


The past few months have taken me internal. Deep internal. Like, what do I want my business to look like in 10 years internal.

Through a lot of random-through-the-day texting my friends who run small businesses and driving in silence two thoughts have come to me.

The first for the clients I serve: believe in bigger. I want to help the people I work with take their business to the next level. I want them to think about the upper register. The stuff that could really happen because people actually do it. Like interviews on Good Morning America or book deals.

The second thought is “don’t stop ‘til they call you crazy.” In a world and culture where we’re told to go to college, go into debt, get a normal job, play it safe, have a few kids, be annoyed with the people you live with, get a mortgage, go for house broke.

Blah, blah, blah.
Nope. Not here for that. I’m here to flourish. I’m here for freedom. And I’m here to explore what the world could look like breaking that powerful, antithesis norm.

Part of that? Making work work for me rather than making me work for work.

See the difference?

I know a lot of you here feel the same way. I think it’s the credo of the entrepreneur to do things differently just to see what would happen.

All for now, but I’m excited for this sort of soft launch happening in my business and heart. To anyone thinking about these things, jump on in.

The water is freezing but it’s never boring.


One Year of Living in Abundance


Don't Want to Do Direct CTAs on Facebook Because it Feels Inauthentic? Big Mistake. Huge.