
A Word from Valor Media Group

Founder and Creative Director

Brett W. Tubbs

When I began VALOR MEDIA GROUP in 2018, I had one purpose in mind: to bring accessible and creative content marketing to small business owners and non-profit organizations.

Entrepreneurs are a courageous bunch. I wanted to be among them. What’s more, I wanted to encourage them on their journey to eliminate the noise of “should dos” in the social media and content marketing field and focus squarely on moving the needle for the mission of their business.

In other words, I wanted to create a boutique marketing agency that cared more about the people and companies we were serving, rather than working to build up our own business. Which, honestly, is super rare in the minefield of big agencies, content creators and “gurus,” who hit a stroke of virality and mask it as a business model – we’re much more savvy than that. 

I've served on teams who hired outside marketing agencies who inflate the value they bring to their clients, who serve poorly, who don’t understand the ethos of the businesses they’re presenting and upcharge by the thousands.

Their work was expensive. And, to be honest, not all that great. I knew there had to be a better, more ethical way to serve others in the realm of social media.

Owner of Valor Media Group sitting in chair in green dress
Laptop and sony digital camera on table

Through the years, I’ve had the honor of working for Fortune 50 companies, nonprofits and universities alike. But, no matter the context of work, my credo remains the same: your marketing should have a goal, a mission behind it. Because content without a purpose will leave you and your audience in a flurry of discontent (see what I did there?).

I’m thankful to serve Greenwood and Abbeville, South Carolina – and beyond – and have found a wonderful place to set up shop as an Uptown Greenwood merchant at my first studio (launched June 2024).

Go with VALOR and experience the joy, fun and profit that marketing with a mission brings to your organization. I can’t wait to work with you.

on a personal note

When I’m not behind the camera or plotting the next, big social media campaign, I’m hanging out with my husband (Gordon) and three boys (Johnny, Daniel and Michael). We serve together at Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church, which my husband pastors. We enjoy family road trips to the beach, the mountains, or my home state of Virginia to visit the grandparents. 

Fun facts

  • I’ve been a Christian my whole life and consider the work I do to be Kingdom Work. God is at the center of everything I do – and while I may stray from the path, I believe His plan is best. 

  • Aside from my faith, my role as a wife and mother is the most important thing in my life. I’ll frequently turn down projects if I believe they’ll interfere with my ability to serve my family. Before I take on any task, I ask myself, “Can I do this while still being kind to the people I live with?”

  • We are pizza FENATICS and my husband and I one day dream of opening our very own mobile, woodfire pizza restaurant.

  • My husband and I were married on July 4th, 2015. We affectionately refer to it as “interdependence day.”

  • I’m the oldest of three kids in my family (yes, I exude the classic eldest daughter vibes). My parents have supported me in everything I do, and I’m so grateful to have grown up in such a loving household. I pray my children look back as fondly on their childhoods as I do mine.

  • If I weren’t in marketing, I’d be a performer on Broadway. My all-time favorite musicals include many of the R&H classics (specifically South Pacific, Oklahoma, State Fair, Carousel and Sound of Music), and of course, Disney.  My dream role would be to play Galinda in Wicked or Jo in Little Women.

  • I have two perpetually in the works novels titled Bylines and Evie Tucker Makes Life More Better. I have no idea if they’ll ever see the light of day, but they’re fun pet projects just the same.

  • The way to my heart is by coffee or Diet Coke. In the evenings, a bubbly French 75 or a tart margarita will do the trick.

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