The New Girl on the Block - What it's Like Being a Contractor

Me and my little fellah on one of my last days in the office. He is my “why.”

Me and my little fellah on one of my last days in the office. He is my “why.”

It’s a little scary starting over.

Actually, very scary.

Last week, I packed up my boxes from a job I held for almost six years. I knew the ins and outs. I knew the people. The work had shifts and waves like the tide. Both as seasonal and as unpredictable as the weather.

The last few days of my job, I felt so many emotions - excitement, dread, fear, impatience - all of them. Together and one at a time. And then the day came.

It took two boxes and four trips to my car.

The last trip included half of a huge Sam’s Club chocolate cake. It’s as if they knew that my heightened emotions would need to be bolstered with chocolate and sugar to get me through the transition.

They were right.

And then the day came. I put on tights (I know, so profesh, right?), a funky patterned skirt and a blazer and marched out the door to a new adventure in a different office park.

I learned where the fridge is. Where the copier is. Where the bathrooms are. How to set up my printer. How to submit IT request.

I also learned how much I need to learn.

There are at least 70 people on my floor alone. So many brand guidelines for this new company. So many editorial styles. So many questions.

It’s humbling to enter a job not knowing how much you don’t know.

But, I feel it’s a good exercise. A refining moment to remind you that the world is big and there is work and opportunity out there.

If you’re willing to break through fear and walk the wrong way back to your desk.

Because you know the end result will be worth it.

So, here’s the end-game. The message I’d like to convey to anyone who’s on the verge of a big change or decision:

Do what’s right.

Through tears.

Through uncertainty.

Through fear of the unfamiliar.

And, if at all possible, through the icing of a Sam’s Club cake.


Regent University | Valor Portfolio


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