Valor Media Group

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The Best Interview Tip? Ask "What" Not "Why"

When I ask a business owner to tell me their story, I never ask “why” they started.

I ask them what made them get started. 

I learned long ago that people, while they’re interviewed, tend to lean on the robotic answers if they’re not guided to the heart of their message. 

If I ask “why did you want to start your business?” I mostly get canned answers. Not bad ones, mind you. Just a little more prepared. A little more simplistic.

A little less emotional.

But we all want to know the story behind the foundation, don’t we? We want to know how they did it. How they got to where they are. And in this day and age, we have such a cool opportunity to see it play out.

When I ask “why” did you start your business, I get answers like: 

I wanted to escape my nine to five.

I had an idea and I wanted to ruin with it.

I hated my boss and wanted something better for my family.

But when I asked “what” I get answers like:

“I started to believe my business could change the way people think about themselves.” (Jen Hatzung, Abundant Affirmations).

“I believe my work is holy and that there’s something special about the community I’m establishing here.” (Cristy Walker, the Beach Blacksmith).

“I’ve always loved parties and celebrations, being a part of them in any capacity feels like it’s what I’m meant to do.” (Sharon Shannon, the Snapdragon Society).

During interviews, and in other areas of life, people need to be lead to their why, because they don’t always understand it.

Once, a counselor friend told me she learned to never ask the question “why” in her sessions, because that’s what she’s there for.

To help them understand her patient’s motivations and change their behaviors if necessary.

So, if you’re in the communications business and you’re trying to understand the heart behind your client, here are a few great questions to lead with:

-What’s your favorite part of what you do?

-What was it that made you take that first step in launching your business?

-What’s the hardest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in your business?  

When your messaging is authentic, your story will translate all the more. Don’t be afraid to get deep!